Teleport uses the YAML file format for configuration. A full configuration reference
file is shown below, this provides comments and all available options for `teleport.yaml`
By default, it is stored in `/etc/teleport.yaml`.
# By default, this file should be stored in /etc/teleport.yaml
# This section of the configuration file applies to all teleport
# services.
# nodename allows to assign an alternative name this node can be reached by.
# by default it's equal to hostname
nodename: graviton
# Data directory where Teleport daemon keeps its data.
# See "Filesystem Layout" for more details
# (
data_dir: /var/lib/teleport
# Invitation token used to join a cluster. it is not used on
# subsequent starts
auth_token: xxxx-token-xxxx
# Optional CA pin of the auth server. This enables more secure way of adding new
# nodes to a cluster. See "Adding Nodes to the Cluster"
# (
ca_pin: "sha256:7e12c17c20d9cb504bbcb3f0236be3f446861f1396dcbb44425fe28ec1c108f1"
# When running in multi-homed or NATed environments Teleport nodes need
# to know which IP it will be reachable at by other nodes
# This value can be specified as FQDN e.g.
# list of auth servers in a cluster. you will have more than one auth server
# if you configure teleport auth to run in HA configuration.
# If adding a node located behind NAT, use the Proxy URL. e.g.
# auth_servers:
# -
# Teleport throttles all connections to avoid abuse. These settings allow
# you to adjust the default limits
max_connections: 1000
max_users: 250
# Logging configuration. Possible output values to disk via '/var/lib/teleport/teleport.log',
# 'stdout', 'stderr' and 'syslog'. Possible severity values are INFO, WARN
# and ERROR (default).
output: /var/lib/teleport/teleport.log
severity: ERROR
# Configuration for the storage back-end used for the cluster state and the
# audit log. Several back-end types are supported. See the "High Availability"
# section of the Admin Manual (
# to learn how to configure DynamoDB, S3, etcd and other highly available back-ends.
# By default teleport uses the `data_dir` directory on a local filesystem
type: dir
# List of locations where the audit log events will be stored. By default,
# they are stored in `/var/lib/teleport/log`
# When specifying multiple destinations like this, make sure that any highly-available
# storage methods (like DynamoDB or Firestore) are specified first, as this is what the
# Teleport web UI uses as its source of events to display.
audit_events_uri: ['dynamodb://events_table_name', 'firestore://events_table_name', 'file:///var/lib/teleport/log', 'stdout://']
# Use this setting to configure teleport to store the recorded sessions in
# an AWS S3 bucket or use GCP Storage with 'gs://'. See "Using Amazon S3"
# for more information (
audit_sessions_uri: 's3://'
# DynamoDB Specific Section
# continuous_backups is used to enable continuous backups.
continuous_backups: [true|false]
# DynamoDB Specific Section
# auto_scaling is used to enable (and define settings for) auto scaling.
# default: false
auto_scaling: [true|false]
# minimum/maximum read capacity in units
read_min_capacity: int
read_max_capacity: int
read_target_value: float
# minimum/maximum write capacity in units
write_min_capacity: int
write_max_capacity: int
write_target_value: float
# CA Signing algorithm used for OpenSSH Certificates
# Defaults to rsa-sha2-512 in 4.3 and above.
# valid values are: ssh-rsa, rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512; ssh-rsa is SHA1
ca_signature_algo: "rsa-sha2-512"
# Cipher algorithms that the server supports. This section only needs to be
# set if you want to override the defaults.
- aes128-ctr
- aes192-ctr
- aes256-ctr
# Key exchange algorithms that the server supports. This section only needs
# to be set if you want to override the defaults.
- ecdh-sha2-nistp256
- ecdh-sha2-nistp384
- ecdh-sha2-nistp521
# Message authentication code (MAC) algorithms that the server supports.
# This section only needs to be set if you want to override the defaults.
- hmac-sha2-256
# List of the supported ciphersuites. If this section is not specified,
# only the default ciphersuites are enabled.
- tls-ecdhe-rsa-with-aes-128-gcm-sha256
- tls-ecdhe-ecdsa-with-aes-128-gcm-sha256
- tls-ecdhe-rsa-with-aes-256-gcm-sha384
- tls-ecdhe-ecdsa-with-aes-256-gcm-sha384
- tls-ecdhe-rsa-with-chacha20-poly1305
- tls-ecdhe-ecdsa-with-chacha20-poly1305
# This section configures the 'auth service':
# Turns 'auth' role on. Default is 'yes'
enabled: yes
# A cluster name is used as part of a signature in certificates
# generated by this CA.
# We strongly recommend to explicitly set it to something meaningful as it
# becomes important when configuring trust between multiple clusters.
# By default an automatically generated name is used (not recommended)
# IMPORTANT: if you change cluster_name, it will invalidate all generated
# certificates and keys (may need to wipe out /var/lib/teleport directory)
cluster_name: "main"
# default authentication type. possible values are 'local' and 'github' for OSS
# and 'oidc', 'saml' and 'false' for Enterprise.
# 'false' is required for FedRAMP / FIPS, see
# only local authentication (Teleport's own user DB) & Github is supported in the open
# source version
type: local
# second_factor can be off, otp, or u2f
second_factor: otp
# this section is used if second_factor is set to 'u2f'
# app_id must point to the URL of the Teleport Web UI (proxy) accessible
# by the end users
app_id: https://localhost:3080
# facets must list all proxy servers if there are more than one deployed
- https://localhost:3080
# IP and the port to bind to. Other Teleport nodes will be connecting to
# this port (AKA "Auth API" or "Cluster API") to validate client
# certificates
# The optional DNS name the auth server if located behind a load balancer.
# See the "Public Addr" section for more details
# (
# Pre-defined tokens for adding new nodes to a cluster. Each token specifies
# the role a new node will be allowed to assume. The more secure way to
# add nodes is to use `tctl nodes add --ttl` command to generate auto-expiring
# tokens.
# We recommend to use tools like `pwgen` to generate sufficiently random
# tokens of 32+ byte length.
- "proxy,node:xxxx"
- "auth:yyyy"
- "kube,app:zzzz"
- "db:1234"
# Optional setting for configuring session recording. Possible values are:
# "node" : sessions will be recorded on the node level (the default)
# "proxy" : recording on the proxy level, see "Recording Proxy Mode"
# (
# "off" : session recording is turned off
# EXPERIMENTAL *-sync modes
# Proxy and node send logs directly to S3 or other storage without
# storing the records on disk at all. *-sync requires all nodes to be
# upgraded to 4.4.
# "node-sync" : session recordings will be streamed from node -> auth -> storage service
# "proxy-sync : session recordings will be streamed from proxy -> auth -> storage service
session_recording: "node"
# This setting determines if a Teleport proxy performs strict host key checks.
# Only applicable if session_recording=proxy, see "Recording Proxy Mode" for details
# (
proxy_checks_host_keys: yes
# Determines if SSH sessions to cluster nodes are forcefully terminated
# after no activity from a client (idle client).
# Examples: "30m", "1h" or "1h30m"
client_idle_timeout: never
# Determines if the clients will be forcefully disconnected when their
# certificates expire in the middle of an active SSH session. (default is 'no')
disconnect_expired_cert: no
# Determines the interval at which Teleport will send keep-alive messages. The default
# is set to 5 minutes (300 seconds) to stay lower than the common load balancer timeout
# of 350 seconds.
# keep_alive_count_max is the number of missed keep-alive messages before the server
# tears down the connection to the client.
keep_alive_interval: 5m
keep_alive_count_max: 3
# Determines the internal session control timeout cluster wide. This value will
# be used with enterprise max_connections and max_sessions. It's unlikely that
# you'll need to change this.
session_control_timeout: 2m
# License file to start auth server with. Note that this setting is ignored
# in open-source Teleport and is required only for Teleport Pro, Business
# and Enterprise subscription plans.
# The path can be either absolute or relative to the configured `data_dir`
# and should point to the license file obtained from Teleport Download Portal.
# If not set, by default Teleport will look for the `license.pem` file in
# the configured `data_dir` .
license_file: /var/lib/teleport/license.pem
# This section configures the 'node service':
# Turns 'ssh' role on. Default is 'yes'
enabled: yes
# IP and the port for SSH service to bind to.
# The optional public address the SSH service. This is useful if administrators
# want to allow users to connect to nodes directly, bypassing a Teleport proxy.
# See the "Public Addr" section for more details
# (
# See explanation of labels in "Labeling Nodes and Applications" section
# (
role: leader
type: postgres
# List of the commands to periodically execute. Their output will be used as node labels.
# See "Labeling Nodes" section for more information and more examples
# (
# this command will add a label 'arch=x86_64' to a node
- name: arch
command: ['/bin/uname', '-p']
period: 1h0m0s
# Enables reading ~/.tsh/environment before creating a session. By default
# set to false, can be set true here or as a command line flag.
permit_user_env: false
# Enhanced Session Recording
# see
# Enable or disable enhanced auditing for this node. Default value:
# false.
enabled: false
# command_buffer_size is optional with a default value of 8 pages.
command_buffer_size: 8
# disk_buffer_size is optional with default value of 128 pages.
disk_buffer_size: 128
# network_buffer_size is optional with default value of 8 pages.
network_buffer_size: 8
# Controls where cgroupv2 hierarchy is mounted. Default value:
# /cgroup2.
cgroup_path: /cgroup2
# Configures PAM integration. See our PAM guide for more details
# (
enabled: no
service_name: teleport
# This section configures the 'proxy service'
# Turns 'proxy' role on. Default is 'yes'
enabled: yes
# SSH forwarding/proxy address. Command line (CLI) clients always begin their
# SSH sessions by connecting to this port
# Reverse tunnel listening address. An auth server (CA) can establish an
# outbound (from behind the firewall) connection to this address.
# This will allow users of the outside CA to connect to behind-the-firewall
# nodes.
# The HTTPS listen address to serve the Web UI and also to authenticate the
# command line (CLI) users via password+HOTP
# The DNS name of the proxy HTTPS endpoint as accessible by cluster users.
# Defaults to the proxy's hostname if not specified. If running multiple
# proxies behind a load balancer, this name must point to the load balancer
# See the "Public Addr" section for more details
# (
# The DNS name of the proxy SSH endpoint as accessible by cluster clients.
# Defaults to the proxy's hostname if not specified. If running multiple proxies
# behind a load balancer, this name must point to the load balancer.
# Use a TCP load balancer because this port uses SSH protocol.
# The DNS name of the tunnel SSH endpoint as accessible by trusted clusters and
# nodes joining the cluster via Teleport IoT/node tunneling.
# Defaults to the proxy's hostname if not specified. If running multiple proxies
# behind a load balancer, this name must point to the load balancer.
# Use a TCP load balancer because this port uses SSH protocol.
# TLS certificate for the HTTPS connection. Configuring these properly is
# critical for Teleport security.
- key_file: /var/lib/teleport/webproxy_key.pem
cert_file: /var/lib/teleport/webproxy_cert.pem
- key_file: /etc/letsencrypt/live/*
cert_file: /etc/letsencrypt/live/*
# optional: set a different public address for kubernetes access
# This section configures the 'application service'
# Turns 'app' role on. Default is 'no'
enabled: yes
# Teleport contains a small debug app that can be used to make sure Application
# Access is working correctly. The app outputs JWTs so it can be useful
# when extending your application.
debug_app: true
- name: "kubernetes-dashboard"
# URI and Port of Application.
uri: ""
# Optional Public Addr
public_addr: ""
# Optional Label: These can be used in combination with RBAC rules
# to limit access to applications
env: "prod"
# Optional Dynamic Labels
- name: "os"
command: ["/usr/bin/uname"]
period: "5s"
## This section configures the 'kubernetes service'
enabled: yes
# Optional Public & Listen Addr: Set these if you are connecting to
# Teleport running inside a Kubernetes cluster instead of using a
# reverse tunnel.
# Optional Public Addr
public_addr: []
# Optional Listen Addr
# Optional kubeconfig_file and kube_cluster_name. Exactly one of these must be set.
# When running teleport outside of the kubernetes cluster, use kubeconfig_file to provide
# teleport with cluster credentials.
# When running teleport inside of the kubernetes cluster pod, use kube_cluster_name to
# provide a user-visible name. Teleport uses the pod service account credentials to authenticate
# to its local kubernetes API.
kubeconfig_file: /secrets/kubeconfig
# Optional labels: These can be used in combination with RBAC rules
# to limit access to applications.
# When using kubeconfig_file above, these labels apply to all kubernetes
# clusters specified in the kubeconfig.
env: "prod"
# Optional Dynamic Labels
- name: "os"
command: ["/usr/bin/uname"]
period: "5s"
# Get cluster name on GKE.
- name: cluster-name
command: ['curl', '', '-H', 'Metadata-Flavor: Google']
period: 1m0s
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